According to my calcumulations I will soon hit 10k karmas, thank u frens, we will celebrate with tendies 4 all

781  2019-03-02 by Dutch_Has_A_Plan_


Congradulasins fren

thats a lotta damage!

Have an up arrow fren

Oranj arrow for u fren

orange arrow good

blue arrow bad

Blue arrow bad but sometimes good for teeching

orange man good


Congrats fren, I’m still 5K behind but hopefully I make it soon

You will get there soon my fren

Nice one fren

Registered non friend? Should I bop?

I’m fren this is a misunderstanding I promise ;(


10,435 karma now. I'm proud of you fren

Couldn’t have done it without my frens❤️

The only correct and frenly karmas is 1,488 fren

Congatulaations fren!

Congatulations fren!

Congrats fren !

orange arrow good

Blue arrow bad but sometimes good for teeching

I’m fren this is a misunderstanding I promise ;(