Those who ignore history are doomed to re-honk it.

327  2019-03-01 by dumdumexpress


It is good to educate frens on what clowns are about. They are not are frens. I bop these honkers. Bop. Honk honk.

will frens be reading the culture of critique for it?

Little known fact: clownfrens BUILT frenworld.

clownfrens have been ubiquitous throughout fren history, helping us every step of the way

i'm glad another Saxon friend can see reality! :)

we wuz invent mathomatix while dem frens wuz livin in caves.

this, so this

all those primordial fren caverns have are some dumb drawing of ancient super beasts (pfft they were so dumb, why couldn't they make actually good, wholesome artwork like Avengers: Infinity War?), or gilded treasures stuck in the mud

thank god for mathomatix, and civilization (looking at u, war torn desert areas!)

If it wasn't for clowns accepting us unquestionly into their society we would still be sitting in a ditch poking berries up our nose. clown world is our greatest ally!

the beauty of it all

the faith in basic human goodness to selflessly help others, such as we best of frens.

a true testament to the human spirit.

yet another reason for me to hate march

You know why we picked March? All for the sweet messaging... Million Clown March, EVERY FRICKIN' YEAR!.

why stop there? why not gorillion clown march everyday? seems like you're headed there, anyway.



Look out your front window...


heck those honkers

Heck em straight to hell brudder!!! Bonk em güt brudder.

How can such a small red dot cover such a big hooked honker?

You know why we picked March? All for the sweet messaging... Million Clown March, EVERY FRICKIN' YEAR!.