Hello frens I got a qt gf I’m happy now frens, spread joy

116  2019-03-01 by PaleBoy7


Good on you! Got the jungle fever fren?

If the jungle fever lady is a fren, she is my fren too. Frens come in all colors, fren. Except for nose money men. They aren't frens

sheboons are disgusting and not women. U probably have AIDS now fren. None of my white frens find blacks attractive. What's wrong with you fren?

Don’t say that fren! The love of your life may be a sheboon but you limit yourself by not showing them love

I'm happy to limit myself from that. I'm better off for it. Some people are content with their offspring being alien people though I guess.

The most beautiful aliens that have graced the earth

If i can stop being frenly, what the fuck? Are people on this sub really antisemetic

I was strictly talking about black women. BUT, since you brought up antisemetism, race mixing is something pushed by the jews since the 1960's in America. While race mixing has occurred naturally, and always will, jews push it as a means to the end goal of a mongoloid European-Asian-African goyim. Why would they want this? Many reasons.

Is this a fucking joke?

Derp :P

Go back to watching porn and playing vidya games for kids honkler. This sub for frens only

I wish it was fren. Jews hate whites dating back to Europe. Having been kicked out of over 100 places has made the jews a very defensive people. So, in their eyes, the white peoples of Europe have been responsible for jews not being in control as God intended. This is why the bolsheviks were jews, communist Russia was like 85% jews in positions of power at it's inception. (Commie jews killed 60 million Christians in Eastern Europe and Russia). So Rabbi's, who have great power and have met at the World Jewish Congress since at least the 1800's, made a plan to go on the offensive: If whites won't stop kicking us out we must go on the offensive. The Kalergi plan, mixed race propaganda, mass immigration of "fighting ad males" to exclusively white majority countries, pornography and pushing promiscuous lifestyles instead of traditional marriage, abortion...

You people make me fucking ashamed to be a fren. Dirty fucking nazis.

this fren has not read culture of critique.

This fren thinks evopsych is more than just-so stories

Not a nazi fren. What i say is true. Communism was started by jews (Frankfurt school). 60 million people killed, look it up

the fren pill can be hard to swallow. it is an acquired taste.

If you're so offended Fren maybe you should do some research and try to refute what you're being told instead of getting mad. When you're done and you inevitably ascend to a Fren of pure mental alacrity and are prepared to surf the Kali Yuga you will be welcomed back into the waiting arms of frenworld.

You’re not wrong.

Well what did you think LOL


I thought we were all FRENS.

We are. But we need to defend against those who want to bop us.


Fren they have a disgusting skin colour. You should get rid of the monkey girl fren and get yourself a proper frenly wife that you can raise a frenly family with.

Once you go black, we don't want you back!


I am certainly a fren pls don’t harm me

He cute

Good for you fren :)

I'm sorry for your loss, fren.

Fren I guarantee ur gf will be spreading something way worse than joy

Damn! That white boy is SEXY!

Give up your Japanese boi cheeks fren, you’re next!

noo fren! your kids will have lower iqs!

They will be athletes fren! I will be rich if their success and once we are minority my descendants won’t be killed in the race war because green frens will be overpowered

She looks voluptuous fren :D

She is fren :) nice chocolatey milkers

I was strictly talking about black women. BUT, since you brought up antisemetism, race mixing is something pushed by the jews since the 1960's in America. While race mixing has occurred naturally, and always will, jews push it as a means to the end goal of a mongoloid European-Asian-African goyim. Why would they want this? Many reasons.

Well what did you think LOL
