Life givin you the Big Sad, fren? Just remember, sometimes Big Sads have to happen before the Big Happys, so that you always geta happy ending! I've got two shoulders right here for you anytime you need em, fren, but I know you won't, because you're strong and wonderful!

347  2019-03-01 by Toriels_booty_call


Thanks fren, i need this today

Thank u fren i am in a hard time

Frens are here for u fren

Wholesome fren

We r wit u fren

Tanks fren ur vry nice

sniffs fanks, fren. Love you.

Yes fren, but what good is it if you are happy in fake worlds and have big sads in the real one...

You are true fren that uplifts all frenkind


*Sniffles* thanks fren.

this really made my eyes water that was so wholesome.