Ayo! hole up greenboy! im finna be frenly

231  2019-03-01 by Thatguitarduderagain


How frenly

fo reals fren, no wha im saying

I’m not sure, fren

you green boys aight

Wait a minute

It's ok to be green

Should I bop?

Hmm fren can’t help fren color

t. Honkenstein


So no bop

No bop because he is a fren who is not really nogfren. There are plenty of immutable characteristics that are not welcome in a frenostate even if they are immutable.

aw shit we racist


no comment

Nonfren detected. Requesting immediate bop.

He is a good fren, not a nogfren. He is being ironical.

Oh boy our nosefrens gave us some company

whats up chocolate fren

sheeet, hol up, yknow what im saying? is like everyday on these streets yknow what im saying? fucking being held down by the man yknow what im saying?

Hello monkeyfren

I'd say das not frenly, but i could really go for a bannanner right now, no waht im saying?

Careful. 13% of these frens commit 52% of all bops according to the Fren Bop Investigators.

Remember that chocolate frens have inherited remnents of a slave culture and ensuing oppression that messed them up economically and socially. Socioeconomic status and race are interconnected

Honk honk! Good one, clownfren!

dis greenboy know what up. gibme mo dat EBT though cuz im disanfranchised.

Fren, I never said encourage handouts. I simply stated that the situation is more complicated than "chocolate fren inherently violent"

why you being racis? wanna take away a brothers benefits, god damn you klans members scary.

remember that chocolate frens enslave themselves with no issues

Two wrongs don't make a right, fren. You're never going to understand why chocolate violence is so disproportionately high if you never bother studying how socioeconomic status can put certain neighborhoods or races permanently in the dirt.v

Fren congo with many chocolate frens have an average IQ of 65 and if you believe(fren) that they will good if they’ve given the resources you’re wrong. They’re not even allowed to be in the freedom fren land because they’re so dumb !

Do you not realize that that nogfrens perpetrate disproportionately high levels of violent crime in every country on earth which is unfortunate enough to have them as a minority? Are you also unaware that the crime rate for American nogfrens is smack dab in the median for sub-Saharan Africa and Caribbean countries? These places don't all have the same culture or the same histories, the only common thread between them is biology. To chalk up their universal pathologies it up to culture or "socioeconomic" status and not biology is to deliberately misunderstand the issue to gain virtue points. Well sorry nonfren, there are no virtue points to be gained here.

Are you aware that crime and socioeconomic status are intrinsically linked? Poorer and less educated people are more likely to be violent, as crime is more profitable than investing in the crumbling infrastructure of cities like Cleveland and Chicago.

Let's entertain your idea of a purely race-based explanation for higher rates of violence among blacks. If that was the case, couldn't we also attribute the higher crime rates to cultural problems like a lack of fathers in households? Even if you were correct that melanin count correlates to violence, that doesn't discount the idea that culture also plays a part in higher crime rates among blacks.

It's been studied numerous times and proven for a fact that young boys without fathers are more violent. Only 38.7% of African American minors live with both parents. That is disastrous, but you failed to take it into account when looking at crime statistics. With this in mind, could you entertain the idea that the lack of fathers in households is producing more violent children?

Even if you were correct that melanin count correlates to violence

How am I supposed to have a conversation with you about race when you think skin color is the beginning and end of it?

There is no more predictive factor regarding crime than race. Fatherless children are what, white people's fault? I've already had this debate a thousand times with people who don't know shit beyond egalitarian talking points and whatever other conventional wisdom they've picked up from low rent media.

If poverty causes violent crime why do impoverished Poland and the wealthy UK have the same murder rate?


Because of the holocaust

Never heard of it

It was this awful thing where Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and other fantastic groups of people had to all go live in these places with swimming pools and theaters and such.

ayo! hole up, then why all them rice frens who was working on the railroad be able to elevate themselves to having the highest incomes?

During the Great Depression, the Chinese had the highest unemployment rates of any minority group. They were doing horrible.

We deported many of the Chinese and barred out the rest with the Chinese Exclusion Act. They never had a chance.

Former black slaves became tenant farmers after liberation. By design, tenant farming put the workers in debt to their owners, and forced them to sell what little crops they earned to pay off debts. Many former slaves simply returned to work with their former masters because they didn't have an education. All of the southern state governments were run by former Confederates pardoned by the president. You can only imagine what came of that.

During the Great Depression, a popular slogan about employment was Whites First, Negroes Last! (It was actually the hard R, but I don't want to get banned)

Racist fucks went out of their ways to make it impossible for blacks to make a living. You literally studied this stuff in school man. It's common knowledge.


You literally studied this stuff in school man. It's common knowledge.

Tell us what else you learned from your government school's egalitarian curriculum.

this guy doesn't sound very frenly. i just wanted to have some laughs making a choclate thread and he's got all unfrenly.

I think he's just plain ol' anti-fren. needs a good bop.

reported for bopping.

I don't think he's old enough to be on this sub.

I suppose you're going head to head with qualified historians.

Go ahead, challenge the board that writes the textbooks. It's not like they spend their entire lifetime studying and comparing historical documents for legitimate and accurate information. I'm much more inclined to trust some random guy on Reddit to give me accurate, unbiased knowledge all by himself with no apparent sources for his claims.


I think it's interesting how you're labelling me a nonfren as a joke but you've yet to explain your stance on these issues.

it's almost like this is a shit posting sub where you don't understand the basics of, and that you should take your serious conversation to a sub that gives a flying fuck? reported for a boping.

Yes, the public school system is there to make sure our kids understand the truth about things right? Now please tell me more about how our people mercilessly victimized other people so now we're not entitled to take our own side on anything or have anything for ourselves.

I know you're not black so this is just blackface. Ban

nonfren detected. requesting immediate bop.

this nigga think im al jolson or something. mo fucka it's not 1910 no more.


He cute

you aight boy. know what im saying?

do you know your dad fren?

moms said pops gonna get out of the can anyday now, she just aint sure which nigga that bust his nut in her the one, yknow what im sayin?

Well your gotta treat them all like fren dad

onea dem niggas my bro dakwans pops anyways. we all frenly as shit, like a family. know what im saying?

Heck yea fren

You fucking frenly and shit. Ya wanna get some ribs and play NBA jam on my genesis fren?

Maybe later fren, I’ve got to study for frenclass

Frens of all colors are welcome. The more the merrier

this mo fucka frenly and shit!

a fren is a fren is a fren

52% of the frenicide yet 13% of the fren

sheeet, i thought you green boys sposed to be smart. if you break it down by gender it's more like 6% yet 51%. Know what im sayin?

I have a dream that my four little frens will one day live in a frenworld where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. -Martin Luther Fren Jr.

nah dog, we into Malcolm fren round here. I mean we keep the hate greeny bits from him but ignore all the parts about personal responsibility

fo reals fren, no wha im saying

nonfren detected. requesting immediate bop.

this nigga think im al jolson or something. mo fucka it's not 1910 no more.