hey frens i am struggling with depression, can you frens help me pls

16  2019-02-28 by ejdkl2580


tell them if they are nice, i hope it gets better soon fren


It was shared on old sub, someone posted lots of good info


Continued here, still on https://boards.4channel.org/fit/thread/49691566

You will be able to read it here after it gets archived:


I haven't check it fully and it has some classic 4chan autism, but it should be useful.

Ok thank you i will read it fren

Is this almost like bloatmaxxing fren?

stop right now. do me a big favor. look in the mirror. Say "that is me right now,but thats not me tomorrow" when your thoughts overwhelm you, that's just today. those are just thoughts, that's not you. To defeat the big sad you need real help, but most therapists are going to give you real help. You need frens to relax with. You need to try and do just a bit better every day. you need to be able to be happy without thinking it will last forever, and the same with feeling sad. I'd recommend mindfulness style meditation, and trying slowly to improve yourself. Try to change your envorment. if you do certain things every day just try to do them a little different, even if its just walking down a different path on your way to a location or eating scrambled eggs instead of fried eggs.


You are a very good fren, and you deserve to get better. not because other people say so, dont look for validation. be a better person for yourself.


I love you fren and I want you to feel better and I'm happy to check in with you everyday in private messages if you want.

Thank you for help fren

don't thank me fren, you deserve thanks for being honest. We all want you to the best you can be.

Its okay to cry sometimes fren. Clowntown is a sad place. We now live in fren town. Don't dwell on the past.

Thanks fren

don't treat yourself as a second class fren, fren

checkout JoeRogan's podcast from yesterday with Dr.Phil

good talk, good advice, helped me a bit when i was feeling down

also he swears and its funny :)

Ok fren, do you have a link?

Thank you fren

I helped him out till he went to sleep, he's feeling better now. I want to put a challenge to all frens, a lot of us are boomers who are used to KYS feg type stuff. Lil dudes need some help sometimes, don't give them lies just do the best you can. All frens deserve frenliness.

Have you been getting sun, eating well, exercising etc?

Yes, i havent been exercising much though

Maybe start going for some outdoor walks. Are you taking vitamins?


What meds are you taking?

I am not taking any anti-depressants if thats what you mean. I take vitamin c and vitamin d

Have you ever tried them?

Anti-depressants? No.

Maybe you should

Yeah i might go to a doctor about it, i dont really feel comfortable talking about my depression to people i know

None of us do feel comfortable with that. But I did it and now I feel less suicidal

Okay fren, i will talk with my doctor about it. Thank u.

Have a good night

you too fren

Anti-depressants? No.