Daughter brought boyfreidn to family dinner. he was a clown. cant sleep

127  2019-02-27 by Thatguitarduderagain


Do I just say "honk the horn, feel the scorn" and kick her out? i just dont know frens

Yes. Sorry fren.

Remind her that 13% of all clowns commit 50% of all honkings

No fren. That will drive her into his sloppy arms for sure. There's no silver bullet for this I'm afraid, the time to prevent this was during her upbringing. Right now you need to focus on getting her well and trying to undo the damage. Her reputation may never fully recover, but there's still time to prevent your grandchildren from being born as honklets.


Sorry fren. They'll say that setting rules against honking will make ur daughter honk more harder, but that's a lie. Just set some rules against honking without being a total clown about it.

I've told her she needs a proper fren boyfriend or else she'll just end up on welfare with another half honk.

Tough stuff. I'll pray for you and your daughter.

day of the hope

I'm sorry fren. No clowing around in frenworld. Eventaully clowns can't help but be clowns and hopefully she learns this sooner than later. Stay strong fren. I will pray for you and your family fren.

I tried talking to her, but she says all her frens think he's super cool because of his big floppy shoes and he plays accordian in a circus band. life is hard fren

Its always the shoes. Childfrens are tricked in to fashion by clowns. Say parentfrens dress like clowns. Not true. I'm fren.

I wonder who owns all those shoe companies :/ maybe clowns.

I tried talking to her, but she says all her frens think he's super cool because of his big floppy shoes and he plays accordian in a circus band. life is hard fren