Frens i just failed my calc 3 exam

160  2019-02-26 by b00tyman69


i had to drop calc 3 last semester fren. it gets better, maybe take a break off math as long as it's not a prereq for other courses in your major

My exams tomorrow. I'm fairly decent in the subject but this does not give me hope. I will try my best for you fren

Good luck my fren

Same. Calc 1

It's not the end of the world fren. Keep trying, go to office hours/tutoring, it's okay to ask for help (even if they're non-frens).

Thank you fren ill take that into consideration

Maybe you should major in creative honking instead


brb bopping myself

study more fren. you bretty smart fren, you got this easy

Happy cake day fren!

Don't worry, fren. We will always be with you. Keep trying.

Learn from your mistakes, fren. Find the root cause for your failure and take control of it. You are the master of your own destiny, fren.

He can't find the root of the problem though.
He already told you he was bad at math.

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Haha epic math joke, fren :)

I was honking too much :’(

I had to take Diff-Eq and Linear Algebra each twice, because I was clownin. Got a different teacher in each the second time around and did good fren. You just failed an exam, you con turn this around fren!

Calc 3?! Fren I can't even get past Pre-Algebra. Feels bad man.

It’s okay fren. Not everyone was intended by the great fren in the sky to be a engineer. The great thing about the frenworld is that frens lift each other up with their unique talents!

I think ill drop it as well

Before you drop look into this yotube channel. I was in your boat and I watched all these videos and passed the course. In fact he lectures so well, you might not need class anymore.

Fucking aryan calc man.

Sometimes it's the professor fren, don't doubt yourself. Find a frenly tutor and keep your pride.. you will do go great things fren. I beeleeve een yew!

time to go to clown college frend

I’m taking my exam tomorrow frens. Send help

Fucking aryan calc man.