hi frens. wanted to let u kno about r/pepeplush, for pics of all your plushie frens. pls no bop

11  2019-02-26 by ClassyCrash


r/pepeplush for the frens who no like to type. hope to see some plushie frens there, frens. gib OC nao


u/Kektoshi supplied the original pic here, check out his YouTube channel / his Twitter bc he makes good content

My internet is too slow to load this image, what's in it?

A copyrighted hate symbol.

I'm confused, is Pepe banned?

This subreddit has nothing to do with that frog/hate symbol.

This is a place for frens.

a pepe plush holding an r/pepeplush sticky note as two frens make haste toward his exposed dong


Wrong frog. Bop!

I thought the frog lovers could be frens
