I been thinking very much, frens. We may believe different things, but we can all be frens nonetheless. Thank you for being my frens, frens, even if we aren't all alike.

121  2019-02-25 by Toriels_booty_call


Well said fren

but can you be frens with a clown? clowns control the media, clowns have stolen from frens, clowns only hire other clowns, clowns only want money, clowns caused the big sad, clowns killed the big fren in the sky long long ago. How can you be frens with someone who’s not frenly?

Clowns are not frens, for apples are not oranges.

that is very wise, fren.

Now you're uninvited to fruit salad 2019!

That is anticircusfren propaganda. Clownfrens are frens!

Cl9wnfrens rock!


Unless you oppose the 14 frenly words, in which case I hope to find you lined up against the wall.

That looks like English countryside fren

It is beautiful outside

We can all be frens.