Why no gf? Is bullshit, frens. #FGTOW

535  2019-02-25 by Invisible_Saxon


dont you want to help populate frenworld ? we can always use more frens. dont you want to be remembered by your ancestors as a great fren ? one that stood in the face of nonfrens and said "bop u nonfren, i will provide for my family and people" i know thats what i wanna do.

I've already got 4 frenlings. Just making joke, fren.

i know fren i see you here a lot. i wish great health to you and your family.

thanks, fren

u very hansome fren

show bobs and vijn, fren.

Fren you need to take better care of yourself. Frens take pride in their health and appearance. Eat wholesome food. Junk for is for clowns. Bop bad habits on their honker brother.

Too much work. I will eat what I want and get all the girlfrens. No fatties tho

No lazy frens in frenworld. Frens work hard to make frenworld the bestworld. Being lazy is for clowns. Maybe you are not fren and maybe move to clown town? Frens only need 1 girlfren. Family, frens and frenworld make frens happy.

Bloatfrens are best frens

"Just go shower fren"

I hate MGTOW. As if you needed to completely swear off women to avoid being taken advantage of by one.

It really is fucking sad.

It's sadder to wife or girlfren a girl and get trapped into paying for everything like a slave fren.

Men need women and women need men

But everyone need fren.

imagine being this much of a pussy

I get that, I really do. I've went through some of that myself personally. But just giving up on women forever? I can't see that. It's everybody's own choice of course and I respect that.

It began as propaganda to have less frens. Some frens can't resist the anti fren propaganda.

Anything to make less frens seems to be very popular these days.

I don’t swear them off, I just have sex with them and as soon as I feel I invest too much time/money, I’m out.

I usually try to keep each girl under $100.

As for time, bitch better not text me every 5 seconds. And fuuuck shopping with them.

I also don’t deny the existence of a unicorn girl.

I just value school, health(gym),games, and career over women.

I see no reason to be a relationship, besides maybe consistent pussy.

I guess I felt similarly about relationships when I was younger (I'm assuming you're young because of the references to school and games).


Eventually you get enough notches in your belt that promiscuity stops being exciting and you start thinking about kids and a family.


The women who love me are the best part of my life.

exactly...kind of. If I were to start a real relationship and family, all of my ambitious goals would die. I’m doing school and training to become a pararescue, and I already got some freak injuries so I’m already delayed. No way I’m trying to commit in anything serious for now.

When I was injured you know who took care of me? My woman.

Good luck finding a quality woman as a washed up "could have been a pararescue" wagecuck, fren. What type of women do you think are going to be available to you at 30? Used up "career oriented" women with 35 ex-boyfriends and 3 abortions, sitting at home binging tv shows about sassy transvestites and complaining about how men ain't shit. Meanwhile some chubby dude working a regular job and acting like a grown man has settled down with a 8/10 trad-waifu who cooks and cleans and reads books while you were afraid to "commit in anything serious".

Is this a copypasta?

Your life is a copypasta.


Girlfrens are overrated fren

Fren Get Trigger Over Womenfren F G T O W

Womenfrens? What are those?


females are no frens

But fren, you can't secure the existence of our frens and the future of frenly children without a girlfren.

Ah yes the great Fourteen Frenwords.

Nice post fren, good to see you around.

You too Shinyturd fren.

Been off reddit and busy lately, want to start making stuff to post online and own non frens

spread some of that original content around in my direction

this fren is made to look like a finnish youtuber markoboy87


I'm sorry, I am not carrying any change or cash with me fren

you shave hair and you fren/fren

show bobs and vijn, fren.