Uncle Fren,are we wosing this war?I don't wanna die pwease don't wet this happen

62  2019-02-25 by ThotSocket


too early to tell fren, but i can assure as highlord of the frenquisition we are capturing thier spies every day and are learning some very interesting information regarding the eternal "nonfren discord."

We be ok, youngfren. Frenliness cannot be honked.

You won't die fren, I am here to protecc you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's frens.

I see the Care Bears™ are assembling. Fearsome.

Young Fren I can't say it gets easier. We evolve in response to the pain by learning to deal with it whatever way sticks best. Or we grow up to be "dead human [beings] walking around like [zombies] not even achieving anything" which means we stop fighting the good fight. And donate ourselves to the parasites inside our minds and outside our houses. What I can say is our struggles give us the opportunity to succeed beyond our conception.

Clown frens love helper fren children :) we need to stop myths of antihonkism. We believe the freno state is big enough for both of us. Nothing makes clownfrens happier then green kids, please let us join you political system so we can make sure the future is green.

you can have a gun fren,

Removed for doggo speak. Do it again and you're bopped.