Look what I found in nonfrenland, frens! I'll have free tendies for life now!

109  2019-02-25 by Toriels_booty_call


No, slavery is bad fren!

Unless is a nonfren or one of them dirty honkers

That's worse. Then your great grandchildren have to deal with all these nonfrens and their unfrenly genetics hecking up your frenlands.

This is absolutely hard facts.

So what you’re saying fren is that without clown slavery we wouldn’t have any clowns in frenworld

No, but it was their foot in the door. The '65 immigration act was seen as a sort of logical extension of the '64 civil rights act. But we need to keep in mind that this globohomo replacement of white populations is happening in every white country in the world. They would have used another wedge to get third worlders in here, but there's no doubt that we'd be better off and have more moral confidence in our own right to exist as a distinct people if not for "the legacy" clown slavery.

It's thralldom, fren.

then who is gonna make me tenndies

yeah that works

She pretty, fren.

She forgot the blazin buffalo sauce on the tendies but it ok. It her first time.

Just bop her gently yet firmly.


She forgot the blazin buffalo sauce on the tendies but it ok. It her first time.