I HAVE A DREAM that little fren boys and little clown girls will be judged not by the color of their hair, but by the frenliness of their character

411  2019-02-23 by zing164


I'll be judged a lot, frens.

Honk honk, fren

That's sounds nice. But that mean those fren girls will be forced to go to the same school as clown boys? It won't be good, fren. Clowns have lower average IQ and diminished impulse control.

Despite being only 13% of the frens...

Burn the rainbow, pay the toll. We can't let these tent crickets poison our society and destroy our culture. At some point frens who are clown apologists are going to become non frens.

There is a toll to be paid but it's not necessarily fair. Nonfrens brainwash children from a young age to consort with clowns because the consequences are lied about, hidden and externalized onto others.

So what is to be done? Yes they were poisoned as innocents, yet they are full fledged clowns who hate us for what we are. How do we not treat the enemy as the enemy?

I'm just saying, children shouldn't be paying tolls. It's a tragedy when they do. As for the rest, the enemy is the enemy and should be regarded as such. There comes a point when an adult is so infected with clownworld poz that there is no functional difference between them and clowns, in fact worse because they pose as frens. There is no cure except large scale eradication and that won't happen until push comes to shove. Which could be a while, clownworld is remarkably resilient.

No honking allowed

*honks in agreement*

Martin Luther Fren Jr. ?

This sub is fucking crazy

HONKING crazy fren



Your speech sounds like it was given by a long nosed fren controlled puppet...

Nooooo.... and I totally didn’t plagiarize my doctoral thesis. Don’t look into any of that.

We all need to be fren here!

Preach fren

Such inspiration fren

Get your han out of my pocket fren!

Honk honk I too believe we shall all exist in harmony one day

Clown frens are making me think if just frenliness is enough, i am becoming a non fren? I don't like this frens.


In the name of the greatest frens that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation 

One day this war will end and the frenship will finally be restored

Martin Luther Fren.