Frens I've made an operating system

150  2019-02-23 by feignedbun


Gotta herd the nonfren cattle

glow in the dark cia nonfrens must pay

truly holy, fren

Rest in peace Terry. God wanted his favorite programmer back.

/g/od FTFY

Quite the divine intellect you’ve got there, fren

Be vary against C.L.O.W.N niggers fren.

God bless you Terry for naming the clownfren "agency".

You were the chosen one.

"CIA nonfrens glow in the dark." This Terry Davis apu is amazing.


hope you removed all the niggerlicious bits

Clowns glow in the dark, you can hit them with your car.

That sounds like a great game.

Terry died the week I went back to school, it was rough at that place ever since.

Real talk, the story behind this dude is actually really depressing.

God what a sad story that man had. Mental illness is fucked

Pour out a 2 liter of Dr. Fren for based fren.