A policy for peace is on its way frens! All clown frens would be worth 3/5 of a fren and can be bopped with a stick no thicker than their wrist.

178  2019-02-23 by Labossibot



What? Got something to say?

This will lead to a civil war, fren

We should deport the clowns back to clownworld

We should establish a colony there to put all the clowns in

I should be fine then I got woman wrists

Fren I know you are trying to make a better and more peaceful world but tye clowfrens aren't our frens or allies. They must be physically removed fren. I'm sorry fren but it's the truth

We will give them Clownberia and be rid of them.

Honk honk you filthy elites we shall rule frenworld

If you honk at me again you will be hanging out of a helicopter door :)

Think your bad ass? I'm gonna make you walk the plank like the filthy fren you are

D: fren that hurt my feelings

I don't see any problem happening 250 years from now with all these clowns living here. Surely they'll remain outside the membership of our nation for all time.

I say we put a higher tax on red noses and silly string.

im okay with this motion

This sounds like an alright compromise for the time being.