Hello frens, I want to chat with some frens that I lost contact with when our hangouts got bopped :( Does anyone know where I can get in contact with them again?

0  2019-02-23 by Buffalo__Buffalo


It would be nice to chat to them again. We had a riot.

You guys get it? Its because he was on the public riot chat! What a sleuth!

haha actually lol'd (Laughed Out Loud) irl (In Real Life) which that faggot (should be be used to start fires) doesn't have (xe's a suicidal failure)

Frenworld doesn't have a riot.

Dont be fooled, buffalo_buffalo is a BIG nonfren. He posts on againstfrensubreddits! Mod boys should bop this man

You are a secret clownfren who is trying to divide this comunitti by speaking lies and slamder against me. How dare you!

Frens only! Go back to /r/Clown__World where you belong!! No fence-hoppers allowed!!



r/vegancirclejerk (lol)

r/transgendercirclejerk (BIG lol)

the last one is the gayest shit I've ever seen. like, i can make myself consider their positions for the sake of argument. but is that shit supposed to be funny because it's all just retarded

Bop confirmed

Just because your life is pathetic, doesn't mean you have to come here and shit on people making harmless jokes. Get better soon tranny.