hearing "nonfren" more than "fren" these days

1013  2019-02-23 by psodj


No fren don go :(

We're under siege by unfrenly clowns. Are frens not entitled to the basic right of self-preservation?

Fren genocide




The clown cries out in pain as he strikes you.


World is becoming very non frenly, fren

Me too fren, cant be frenly in a world of nonfrens obsessed with hating clowns for who dey r

Honking is a choice.

I know fren, it seems like we are tearing ourselves apart.

No country for old frens

Into exile u can go, but know this fren; we will need you wen the time comes

No leaf us, fren!

Fren, I too am moving west to find more frens like me :)

Good luck there pardner

I hope theres a nice girl fren somewhere oit there too. One that I can start a family with

Fren fren fren fren fren Fren fren fren fren fren Fren fren fren fren fren Fren fren fren fren fren Fren fren fren fren fren Fren fren fren fren fren Fren fren fren fren fren

Into the west we will go, fren. See you, space cowboy.

