I regret to inform you that the clowns have employed weapons of fren destruction.

108  2019-02-22 by wrongholepapi


Thank you frens for depicting the reality of this unfortunate conflict.

Who would have thought that the clowns would resort to using the Sampson Option. My only regret is that I didn't physically remove more of them. Goodbye frens.

Frens fight together in the defense of frens. Frens its baddle time.

War is hell.

war is honk

Oh god my fren lives in that village! The honkers will not get away with this!

You can bop our red noses, but you will never take our freedom !!

i like how this pic is evolving


Who would have thought that the clowns would resort to using the Sampson Option. My only regret is that I didn't physically remove more of them. Goodbye frens.