Many clowns are heroes in our community...

209  2019-02-22 by dumdumexpress


No son of mine will shake hands with a Honker

No 'son' of yours will ever shake hands with an ovum!

Get out of here clownfren! This is a regularfren neighborhood and it’s gonna stay that way!!11

Please use "honka" if you're not a member of our community.

Well call you whatever you want as long as your living in our community, now run on home clown boy.

no. bad clown.

Maybe some clownfrens are good, but id wager that about 90% are frenword traitors and nosefren collaborators

You telling me clownfrens and nosefrens aren't the same?

Lets just say nosefrens have a nose for bussines

Still one and the same as far as I can see fren. Especially once you know what the nosebook teaches nosefrens.

if clowns so good then why despite only being 15% of the population are they responsible for 100% of clownpostings



Redpill me on the HQ

Clowns have r/Clown__World yet they still come here bring their honkposting with them. Stay in your own sub, I say.

Me thinks we should send them all to Honkagascar so they can establish their own clown state.

Clowns have been expelled from 109 subreddits, and now they want into ours? Maybe there is a reason they keep getting kicked out.

Fren subs for everyone.

Oh great... Just what we need, another clown cop

Sure there are a few good individuals. As a group they've always worked to destroy us.

Yeah, many clownfrens in the community, like all the bank owners...


Clowns bring nothing to our frens than harm and honkposting! I say we keep our frens frendly and the clowns in their clown cars.

frens, who are the clown frens?

Can some fren send me the original picture?

Frena, can someone tell me what means “fren”? It’s just pepe?


Legit question


stay on floor nonfren!!

Many clowns beat their families

Honk honk


Honker propaganda, paid with stolen tax payer money. They install themselves in positions of power to exploit and destroy frens. Don't believe their lies.


Still one and the same as far as I can see fren. Especially once you know what the nosebook teaches nosefrens.

Well call you whatever you want as long as your living in our community, now run on home clown boy.