I have a dream, that one day clownfrens and frens can live peacefully together...

64  2019-02-22 by da_maxl


:| mods can call me out but this is not a place for links and talks about nonfren world! this is a place for frenworld. keep it frenly and keep it to frenworld. We all have to live in that shithole nonfrenworld everyday and when we come here we dont want links back to nonfrenworld, we want frenly conversations.

I understand fren. But I will choose to help other anons whenever possible, regardless of if its comfortable or not. It is our highest duty as frens.

I have several very nice irl frens because I wasn't scared to get uncomfortable and show them the truth.

you seem frenly, but we don't do that here. be more creative with fren pills. but I still respect you as a fren.

How can i trust you? You may be frenly, you sound frenly. you have a message that even fren media may broadcast to make us feel frenly. but at the same time other clonws like malcolm clown say the complete different! and he has even more influence in your clown town. I think it has become evident that clowns have one message for frens and a totally different messaage for clowns.

See you in Memphis you filthy Honker.

holy fuck

Here's a big sack of self-awareness, fren.

you're a good fren

Dispute being 13% of the fren population, clownfrens commit 50% of fren homicides.

Despite making up only 10% of the population, Honkers commit 100% of clown posts.

Do not fall for this clowns trickery, my frens.