Honk Honk! Frens its no a clown is just me haha

321  2019-02-21 by shacklefordcommarus


what are you haulin' fren? is it clowns?

Yeh and they are going straight to camp

I hope they enjoy the theatre's and swimming pools we built them!

I was told there would be whores.

I'm the Commandant at r/Clown__World. Send your clowns there. I'll take real good care of our clownfrens, fren.

Nice rig fren!

Run those clowns over fren. You were just getting it on, waingro.

You scared me for a secound fren lol! good prank, you good fren.

License and registration please

you're one goofy fren haha

Nice truck fren!

I was told there would be whores.