Hello citicen of frenworld! Have you seen any Clownfrens recently?

705  2019-02-20 by grisfrallan


They ran past us speaking gibberish. Something about hiding in a nearby "Sin-O-Gog." No clue what that means.

Thanks for the tip fren! We will keep or eys open for this SinOGog you speak of!

u a good fren!

Its the jews all over again

Damn, it's really a mystery what you guys are talking about, it's definitely not incredibly obvious. Fuck off to Voat already, we don't want you here

You don't sound like a fren :(

Go commit frenship on your wrists.


There's the clown!

Get ready for boppings

u smart

that doesn't sound very frenly. are you even green?

bops u

Drama must be taken over by clown frens! Poor fren, you are brainwashed by long nose fren :)

thank you for coming fren, the clown fren's are hiding in the basement!

She called herself annfren

Use laughing gas to gas the clowns. That'll give them a reason to laugh, fren.

Summer comes soon frens, let's sign all of these clowns up for camp.

honk honk

Found one

Stop! You are under arrest!



Wee woo wee woo

Ja, die ist 200 metres ost in Dien haus


Shouldn't it be "Sie sind" for "they are"

Die ist could mean she is.

Would you like a glass of milk fren?

Can i mix strawberry quick in it fren?

Honk honk

Stop, you’ve violated the law, pay the court of fine or serve your sentence, your stolen goods are now forfeit!

Honk honk!!!

You are officially deported

Bop him fren!

Thanks for keeping us safe frens

honk honk.... I mean they went that way fren!

Those evil non frens stabbed me and my wife and took our car, please catch them fren


they went that way? hon... I mean fren


No prisoners fren, only bop.

Clownfrens are nonfrens

Bopping intensifies

Please frens! there is a unit of clown frens who have shaved their clown hair and undergone comestic frengury to remove noses. You can only tell them by big shoes and constant honking. They are hanging out in frenofornia, we might have allowed their strange politics in frenfornia before but we need to shut this down!

Are you saying you support bopping the nonfrens?

H o n k

Look in the sky fren, the drop bollons of wuter

I am Commandant at r/Clown__World. Round them up. All clownfrens should be placed there for re-education.