Why do we hate honkfrens now? Did i miss something?

23  2019-02-20 by IanDerp26


Honk frens with their big honkers are the one %

Honk Honk

Tax me at 90% HONKHONK!

They are funny right fren? they filled fren world with oc that made us all very excited! there previous clown frens every now and then and they'd make us happy and we thought their big shoes were funny. but have you noticed a few things about them fren? they all have funny hair and a funny nose. They act like frens when in fren world, but then they started their own frenostate and they seem to think fren world should accept all clowns, but frens dont belong in clown world. read the culture of clowns fren, im starting to think they inflitrated fren world for their own influence to be spread.

Honkers are big dumdums and are starting to outpopulate the normal frens

I was gone from this sub for a while so I missed the inception of honkfrens. Jumping into the middle of it right now, I honestly don't know what's going on. One thing is for sure though, this place is not as fun as it used to be.

I was hoping we could all be frens together. The evolution of clown frens as an alien (((other))) is frankly a meme development that saddens me.

seems very unfrenly, where did all of these violent clownposters even come from

In the 2020 Election, Clowns become a hate symbol, that is where we are going.

Honk friends are racists. Rebuff these terrorists. I was duped too but we need a united front to stop their infultration of a wholesome frenly sub with their terrorist views. Honklers are hitler wannabes.

Tax me at 90% HONKHONK!