See the truth of how the clowns view frens! Read the comments.

14  2019-02-20 by majtommm



They hate us for what we are.

You should no longer be schutzfren you should be Officer ranksSS-Oberfrener

I serve at the pleasure of our elected officials. Promotions will come with hard work and service to frenkind.

you truely love fren world, it brings a tear to my eye. god bless you fren.

Hey thats me! I went to the enemies, unarmed, with no back up, just to show that they have one opinion about fren world but that completely changes when they talk about clown world. I used to call them "clown frens" now I only call them clowns, I am sure that they are not frens.

Also thank you for your service schutzfren! you are a frenly fren, my apologies for not saying this first and foremost, it was rudeof me to think of myself first.

You bravely faced the nonfren alone, now you know their true nature.