Howdy frens, you haven't seen any nonfrens round these parts have you?

203  2019-02-19 by TheDonutinator


Please help us fren! The clown non-frens have invaded us!

Why are the clowns bad ? I'm new here. Do you boo them here ?

We bop em!

They’re mean fren you gotta bop em

They have weird noses fren.

If you see a clown bop him fren

Why are clowns bad ?

They are spooky and honk too much fren

Oh my.

they r jus misunderstood dong bop them!

Nobody better be dong bopping anybody.

hello fren I seen funny lookin clown round these parts

I saw some asshole with a giant hat walking around with a gun. HEY! It's YOU!

that wasn’t frenly at all

*runs to protec honk fren*

Better clear out your attic.

Hate that honkers have evolved to be nonfrens. I was rooting for them too

Why are the clowns bad ? I'm new here. Do you boo them here ?