leave nonfrens you will be bopped

562  2019-02-19 by ironichappiness


Honk honk, nonfren.

100 dollar bopping fee

Clownfrens are not frens >:-(

All clownfrens are safe over at r/honkler

clown frens are frens fren



I was going to bop you, but I want this guy to have to eat his own shit.


no the clowns are going to r/honkler

Shut your lying nonfren mouth before you get bopped. I'm feeling boppy

Imma about to put your non-fren face in the over with the other 6 million you stupid fucking kyke. You're about to get bopped

What 6 million? That number seems pretty big.

If this is a serious question hitler killed over 6million jews by burning them in a oven

im pretty sure its up to 6 gorillion now.

What materials were the doors made of again??

Nothing but the finest 2X4s one can find at Home Depot

of course he did, we never question what the victors wrote on history. that would be anticlownmetic.

I heard it might be as low as zero. is a shock


A fine sub.

Some of my favorite artistic frens are there.

Why is this quarantined? How many members does it have? I want in! >: I

Quarantined for mocking our clownworld. I think between 950 to 1100 people at this point.

I found a way around by using browser app first. Good stuff. One of the posters seems to fall for twitter parody accounts a lot

I misunderestimated you, thank you for your service schutzfren

Join the Clownworld war, become a citizen and save the world. service guarantees citizenship.

Why was quarantined frens?

Nonfrens don't like us taking a stand against clowns.

don' worry frens it's safe over at r/honkler

the Virgin Honk Honk vs the Chad Hulk Hogan.

I've always been terrified of clowns. I know this community is too because we're frens