Hi frens. New fren here. Been super sad for the last few years. Too scared to commit suey side. Too scared to call hotline bcoz I don’t wanna get taken to a hospital. Any advice frens?

54  2019-02-16 by EaziLive


Have a hug fren

go outside at least once a day fren. go anywhere. library and sit and read. walk in the park. go to the mall and look around. don't stay inside all day fren.

put some things every day in your life that make you happy fren. for example some people buy fresh flowers for themselves. some people like to look at puppy videos. innocent mood lift.

jump up and raise your arms in the air fren. act like one of those guys who just won a point for their team in the olympics. jump up and say yeah! quick mood shift fren. gibs chemicals to your brain. do it few times. the more you get into it the more it works fren.

think about what's giving you bad feels. think how you can fix that thing. there's always something to help fren. what's making you feel sad? try to fix.

think about your purpose fren. you are great fren. you always have a purpose. find ways to contribute to what you care about. makes you feel very good fren.

Thank you. You great fren.

Thank you too fren. You're great too.

I love you both.

I love you both

I see you know about the power pose

find your motivation to live and fulfil it.

Lots of LSD.

Also eat 3 lbs of salmon a week.

Take biotin and a good multivitamin.

Get a motorcycle fren and don’t let the cars bop you.

Get rid of social media and work out fren

once you understand only you can make yourself feel better by doing simple things like this, it gets better fren

dont do it fren

Stop feeling fren. Let go of feelings. No more feelings. If expectations are zero, no way to get disappointed fren.