This is my vibrant fren. I invited him to live in our frenland. This is going to be grate, frens! He has relly yummy food, frens.

1  2019-02-15 by Invisible_Saxon


Burgers and meatballs are better than frenafel

Oh my frick! He gonna bop u fren!

If he bops me it's my own fault for not being more accommodating.

I hear swedish flags are great to cook on!

I hope he makes you something delicious fren

Fren that happened to me

Don't tell him about the rabbits fren. Trust me, don't do it.

You should let him spend the day with your wife, fren. He will be very frenly with her.

He has a bad back so I let him sleep in my bed while I sleep on couch. Poor guy.


I feel bad for your country fren.

Y? He adds so much value! I got job cleaning poop off sidewalks in Malmo. Without our vibrant frens, I wouldn't have this job. They add to gDP, fren.

Read his quran fren, lots of nonfrens read that book. They want to kill us fren. Be careful

Maybe fren. But we cant just leave them in their home country can we? His country is filled with nonfrens. But if we let them all come to our frenland, the magic of frenship will transform them into frens.

only silly people think that works fren.

It just a meme fren. We all know that strangers from sandy places that read the quran have a wacky habit of bopping us

For every 1,000,000 quran non fren, there is one fren

Glad to hear you're a productive tax paying member of society and not welfaremaxxing like vibrant fren!

Is this a parody or do you actually believe what you're portraying

What am I portraying?

A fren helping a fren

That Muslims are all bad and are jihadists

Whether they are or are not is irrelevant. They are not good for western nations and don't belong here. In this particular case, they are a threat to the continued existence of Sweden as a place for Swedes. There is no metric by which you could say they are positive for that country. They have to go back.

Wow fren never heard truer words spoke b4

Is that pewdiefren

watch out!!!

Is this youth targeted racism, or something?

I get that you prefer youth targeted cuckoldry, but there are some of us who would rather see our civilization and our nations not be transformed into alien countries full of alien peoples. We have a right to exist and you can eat a big bag of shit if you think self-preservation is racist.

You can have the DESIRE to exist.

Sounds like it is happening whether you want it to or not. You must be a pretty big pussy.

I’d be careful nonfren. The Fire Is Rising

Wow, The Fire Is Rising

That sounds almost as cool as Gamers Rise Up

Keep laughing, our numbers keep growing. Vox in Spain, AFD in Germany, Golden Dawn in Greece, Poland, Hungary, Italy, The Nordic Resistance Movement, The Nationalist Fighters of Ukraine. Hell even the Gilet Jaunes show that people are growing tired of this system, whether the future is Culturally Marxist or Nationalistic we’re yet to see. But neither side seems to be going quietly.

Your side is whining and crying off into the sunset... I guess that isn't quiet, you're right.

Seriously though, the 'badass' catchphrases and saying things like "Our numbers keep growing" makes you look absolutely ridiculous.

But they are.

begone nonfren

If we don't have a right to exist, then neither do the third world hordes invading our countries. Somehow I doubt that people like you would be satisfied with us simply recognizing their desire to remain alive instead of a right to live. Keep pushing our nations into a corner with invasion and accusations of racism and see whether we regard it as a right or a desire.

I meant the right to exist in your little safety bubble with no foreigners. You don't have that right.

You DO, obviously, have the right to exist. I never meant to imply that you don't.

That depends on the quantity and quality of those foreigners. We are sovereign peoples and if we decide to not allow one single invader or anyone else, in our country then that is our right. Sovereign nations get to decide who sets foot on their territory.

We have a right to exist as ourselves

And we will not be allowed to exist as ourselves in the midst of peoples with alien cultures, lower intelligence and entirely different behavior and personality traits. Sweden isn't Sweden when 50% of the population is a hodgepodge of Somalis, Arabs and Afghan rapists. They all have to go back and the number of my people who feel the same grows day by day, rape by rape, murder by murder. The kebab will be removed.

lol you already lost the war and you don't even know it

Just keep huddling together in the corners of reddit confirming one another's idiocy.

Honest of you to at least acknowledge that it's a war. I see it that way, and I know your ilk see it that way even if your kind typically prefer to manipulate white people to play off our generosity.

Definitely agree, these Muslim countries were founded to be a single country for their own people. Why can't Sweden just be a single country for fellow swedes?

It's equivalent to you owning your own house, spending money on it, making it look nice. Then all of a sudden your crackhead neighbor who never took care of his home comes crying to you "my house is so bad!". You decide to let him in assuming he would treat your home with respect unlike his own.

To your suprise, he treats yours the same way he treated his own, and now we have one more crackhead house in the neighborhood until he decides to crash in someone else's house.

Good analogy. I'm going to have to steal that for later.

who would've thought that a genuinely intelligent conversation about immigration that doesn't have any race baiting, false flags, or shills would happen in r/frenworld of all places? good thread

It has not started yet buddy, look back 100 years and you'll see that history repeats itself ;)

Out of the loop on what this one means

oh no fren :'(

my fren usman said allah will give him 72 virgins. maybe he will share with me? :) i would prefer a femapu that hasnt been cummed on

But long nose frens say fren culture won’t survive unless we let sand frens in

Imagine unironically believing that immigrants are destroying Sweden. lmao.

Yeah just imagine it.

25% of crime in Sweden was committed by immigrants, and 20% more was committed by children of immigrants. Source

Sweden is the rape capital of the West, likely due to immigration.

85% of rapists in Sweden were non-Swedish immigrants.

North African migrants to Sweden are 23 times more likely to rape than native Swedes. Source:

African migrants to Sweden are 16 times more likely to rape than ethnic Swedes. Source:

Iraqi migrants to Sweden are 2000% more likely to rape than native Swedes.

16% of Swedish girls are not allowed to determine who they will marry.

In Sweden, immigration has increased income inequality.

[One in four Swedish women will be raped in her lifetime.](Source:

Sweden is the least successful nation at integrating immigrants in the world.

While he may bop u fren yuo must chek ur microagfresiojs against him

Posts like this is why nonfriens think this is a political subreddit instead of a place for friens

:( :( :(

Look at me. I am the fren now.

Whether they are or are not is irrelevant. They are not good for western nations and don't belong here. In this particular case, they are a threat to the continued existence of Sweden as a place for Swedes. There is no metric by which you could say they are positive for that country. They have to go back.

Wow fren never heard truer words spoke b4

Definitely agree, these Muslim countries were founded to be a single country for their own people. Why can't Sweden just be a single country for fellow swedes?

It's equivalent to you owning your own house, spending money on it, making it look nice. Then all of a sudden your crackhead neighbor who never took care of his home comes crying to you "my house is so bad!". You decide to let him in assuming he would treat your home with respect unlike his own.

To your suprise, he treats yours the same way he treated his own, and now we have one more crackhead house in the neighborhood until he decides to crash in someone else's house.

:( :( :(