my date was a success frens! she wants to go out again

1  2019-02-14 by dongrel_monger




Don't screw it up, FREN! CONGRATS

Thanks fren, any tips to not screw it up?

No idea, fam. Still waiting for my girl

ok fren, good luck fren

The best tip is not to be a Chad

But isn’t it good to be 🇹🇩 fren?

Yes fren! We knew she would be a fren! Go forth and create more frens!

If it turns out we really like each other we definitely will fren!

mine too! palmala handerson even wants her sister knuckole jackofferson to be girlfren!

Thats good fren!

Good job fren! I’m so happy to see everything going good for you!

Thank you fren! Things are looking up!

Of course she would, fren!! Who wouldn’t want to bee with u? Bee urself and everyting will bee a okay!!!

thank u fren! I hope she likes me

I’m sure she does!! Just be yourself and you two will be the cutest couple ever, fren!!!!!!

whats his name fren?

it's a gorl fren

whatever you say fren

I’m sure she does! Just be yourself and you too will be the cutest couple ever, fren!!!!!!

how do you feel about gun range as a second date frens?

that's a little weird

go to a park or movie or something

movie is not good for second date....park i can't pay for...waht else?

park is free so you're not always having to cover things

yes fren but it is winter....and i want to pay for it, show i am jentelman

but that can come off as condescending or obnoxious

hmm...good ideas fren. I was thinkgen about asking her waht she wanted to do. i did not pay on first date so i think i should pay on second date fren.

well yeah then if you didn't pay first time the second time is alright

ideally you want each person to pay their own way or at least share costs, its not appropriate to make the girl feel like she owes you

Bro art gallery is most likely a cool one. Like it should be free. Most are. And then maybe lunch.

Alright fren....i will see if i can find art galleries or museums

stay redpilled fren

Congrats fren! It took me forever to find a good fren to love but when I found them it made life so much better :)

glad things worked out for you fren, i hope things end good for me too!

Adda boy.... ... Fren. Nohomo.

thanks fren!

has she got nice face fren?

She got bery qt face fren!

dont trust her until she lets you know she wants to make fren chilrens for the fren state.

Great job fren, hope it goes well

YAYYYYYYY good job fren

Thanks fren!

ooooo! make many many little frens! good for the green population.

We will if it turns out we really love each other fren!

hooray fren!

Sticc it in her pooper fren


that's a little weird

go to a park or movie or something