Hello fellow frens, does frenworld need a central bank?

1  2019-02-12 by KitN91



Not in the nose 🤥

wheres your nose fren?

No thanks, fren. Frens support eachother through frenship, not fictitious religious nonsense like debt!


Sorry, no non-frens allowed in frenworld.

Henlo fren i need money to buy food for my starving children can i borrow from you please?

Of course fren, but it will come with a tiny 200% interest charge. It's a good deal, I promise fellow fren.

Woah fren that's a high number, are you sure that is legal?

I heard precious metal frens only have loyalty to other precious metal frens and not fren world at large.

No thank jew

any finnish frens?

No, thank you.


Never forget 6 gorrilion nosefrends

This is very true. Now would you be a fren and donate some of your hard earned shekels for a new holocaust museum in your neighborhood. We must continue to indoctrinate, I mean educate our fellow frens about the shoah.

I got holocousted 6 times just this week, frens have to pay up.

i don't have any money because it makes people mean, fren

will one of my kidney's suffice?

I wil accept forskins of your children fren

that sounds fair, fren!

the least I can do for the 6000bajillion clownfrens lost because of what i personally have done :(

Frenworld currency is backed by frenship, more frenly than gold standard, now go away before somebody gets bopped

Do aany frens have backpain?

Isreal is not a legitimate state

I got holocousted 6 times just this week, frens have to pay up.