frens don't give a honk about your war ... or your frensident

1  2019-02-12 by Thatguitarduderagain


I'm new to this, but i had 4 more images and i can't post them.


long time derp derp first time herrp derp.


from what i've read, it seems like reddit is like an i phone game "freemium" game where you need to wait to post and have a highscore to keep posting? jesus christ is that true?

you need enough internet points to post w/o time delay, depending on forum, afaik.

But you're right, it's not like Usenet back in the days...or IRC!

Lots of subreddits restrict post frequency to having a verified email, doesn't matter if a fren has 3,000 internet bops.

This is obviously very unfrenly.

it doesnt sumprise me that reddit is unfrenly but after lurking for years i didnt know jus how unfrenly it is

thanks for being helpeful fren

Still can't make a 2nd post. this is really unfrenly.

We need to I'm peach ufoguy and make_a_wish_kid,

I quite like that andrew jackson fellow and that ciawatchsmepee guy. they seem very frenly

Andrew Jackson deleted his account.

CIA is a good guy, though.