Nekt Monday I will start the diet I prmise

1  2019-02-10 by Ibiss8


oh man, fren..

We have to enroll you in a weight watchers program fren! For your own health of course. :)

don't do diets

just change your life to not be a slob

Diets don’t work long term

They do, so long as the fren in question doesn't go back to eating buckets of tendies after it's over :/

But thats what they all do :/

I sure hope my frens are smarter than that!

tendies are good fren as long as not deep fried and not too much breadcrumb, just lean meat with light coating. Sugar and carbs are what nonfren want us to eat instead of protein and green veg

frens are red-blooded carnivores: it is known

If someone has been eating a diet of carbs and low iron meat like chicken breast for a long time, anemia can set in. The myth in the west is that only women get anemic, if you look at how much iron a chimp in a lab gets it is over 100mg a day.

Thx for the tip fren will make sure to eat some red meat too

Diet = changing your eating habits. It’s a permanent thing if you want it to.

ppl who say "i will start diet" always onses who fail,,,,, need 2 think about change diet for rewst of frenlife


TriHard 7

Airsoftfatty fren

Looking like Rosie O'Donnell there, fren

That's offensive to fren and too nice to Rosie O'Donnell.

Okay, boogie2988

Coming at you live fren!

Through the power of the frenternet

It's boogie1488, fren.

fren jus get butter knife and cut all the extra stuf off, then you will be a good reprentation of us frens

Is this what a wave check is, fren?

I hear basketball burns alot of calories fren

Diet + spors in 2 months whole word changes fren

i'm making some tendies rn fren

If you wanna burn some calories just find an oven big enough fren!

You look healthy, fellow m'goodfren!

will hold you to that fren

Oh no fren D:

One thing that works quite well is to cook your own meals fren. When I was chubby I ate a lot of fast food and takeout food.