u gave me some good laughs frens but hanging out feels like the only way out tonight

1  2019-02-09 by PM-ME-ANYTHING7


Instead of giving up your life fren why don't you give up your anxiety and misery fren?

I’m the issue, fren. And technically I’ve got nothing to lose but every additional second hurts and I don’t want to hurt anymore. I’m sure there’s lots of frens out there that’ll achieve lots and make the world a better place.

Pm me if u need to talk fren.

you're a good person frena nd you can do great things, you have all us frens here for support whenever you need it

What's going on fren? What's making you suffer? I can go beat some bullies up for you.

don't go, fren. i want you to stay.

Tell us what's happening fren, we want to understand why you feel this way.

fren you need to think about this and realize that you shoukldn't do it. your frens believe in you and want you to be happy and are here to help you all along the way

I am not messing around here or role playing as a fren. If you need to talk to someone, send me a message. I can relate and I will listen.

Fren don't do it. You're a good person and we care about you. "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."

Don't do it. You're our fren!