Mfw I have like 420 alts and modfrens want to start a war by bopping me an calling me a non fren cause I make fun of ice Poseidon

1  2019-02-09 by fuckscuffjobs


Cx in the chat hehehehe

Cx TriHard 7


Who's coming to bop ice Poseidon Thursday, we're bopping ice Poseidon.

i literally stopped watching ice like 3 or 4 weeks ago and stopped using his sub because it's full of incels who complain desperately try to control ice and other livestreamer's lives, I don't get how anyone would actually enjoy browsing or shitposting on there anymore, just a waste of time

but you're welcome here, fren, I atleast I hope...

Took you a while, he's been a nonfren for over a year.

dont make fun of us frencels fren ;(

I'm sorry fren, you're still my fren

Now you understand why I bop those nonfrens.

He wasn't banned for "making fun" of Ice. He was banned for being a nonfren.

fuck that’s weasel and ssj I just miss ipcj and my frens from there

We all do :(

Are we not gonna talk about the mods banning random people for little to no reason?

You can't talk anymore because you're bopped.

Bopped for ban evasion.