Discord Server for Apu Apustaja Pepes (Helper Pepes). Trading/Creating/Discussions

1  2019-02-06 by FreeFolkYT

Haven't really found a place to share or discuss apu apustaja pepes on discord and when I tried to look for a discord server linked to this subreddit usign the search function all the invites were expired and the posts were made months ago so I thought I would make a server dedicated to them. Feel free to join. https://discord.gg/vM4W7CB

We talk/share and create Apu Apustajas so feel free to join


No. Discord has been doxxing our frens. They release chat logs and identifying information to nonfrens.

People have been asking for a discord server also this isn't' a yes/no question. Join if you want if not then don't join simple.

No. We are wise to the tricks of the longnose nonfren. We can hear hand rubbing from 6 million miles away.