I never did skees before frens, I'm scared I crash

1  2019-02-05 by cx_rx


I did skees and it was fun. Took about two hours to learn for me.

Wow two hours, you must be a smart learner fren

I'm a figure skater fren so it might have been easier for me to learn

Just don’t pizza when you want to French fry :) good luck fren. You’ll do great!!1!

Pizza gets bop

God speed, fren. May you have fun.

Good luck, fren! You can do it! Lots of my frens skied when I was growing up, but we could barely afford tendies, so I did not ski :(

you will be ok fren i believe in you

Don't be scared! It's all a part of learning. If you do, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again. :)

Take easy slopes fren

Looks like you didn’t wear a helmet. But you really should. Gotta protect that frenly brain.

Pizza gets bop