Just found out I owe $1000 in tuition fees, and I have to write 3,000 words tonight for a midterm, need motivation frens

1  2019-02-05 by JuulGang42069


I believe in you, my fren.

Thank you :) I appreciate your support fren

Anytime fren

Hang in there fren. :)

What is the midterm about fren maybe I can help

Sociology, I have to apply the three theory’s of functionalism, conflict theory, and interaction isn’t to a social issue, mine is gun control and police brutality

Libby professor?

Very :( he’s a communist

That's very funny. I'm from Missouri and I go to the most liberal school in the state so I know a fair bit about police brutality. I can offer some information and different help. If you look at police brutality in Missouri, you could focus your paper around the good and bad parts of the black lives matter movement and how it relates to police brutality. A good example about how police brutality can be used in a nonfactual way is with the Micheal Brown shooting. There are audio tapes and CCTV showing the police officer was in the right. Another incident was the George Zimmerman shooting. A genuinely racist cop shot a black man in his car sitting next to his wife because he thought the man was trying to kill him. George Zimmerman owned a gun so that could be interesting. Just two different incidents. There are more, but I can offer some different help if you need it.

That actually does help a lot, thank you very much !

Anything for a fren. I think this small community could become even better if we all help each other out.

Wise words

You can do it fren you got is

what class do you have to write for fren

Sociology :/