Welcom fren. Have a kneel and tell me the sins that plague your heart and mind.

1  2019-02-04 by wrongholepapi


Catholicism flashbacks. Father, forgive my poor choices that led to death. Thanks, fren.

Don't know about Catholic church fren, but I'll pray for you unironically if you'd like.

I would appreciate it. Thank you, fren.

Can you pray for me? I'm in a bad spot fren.

Absolutely. I hope you find the peace you need, fren.

Thank you fren. It's rare finding Christians online outside of subs like /r/TrueChristian. I'll add you and see when you pop up in my feed!

What a great post to confess this in. Although I do pray, I do not attend church and honestly have a confused relationship with a higher power.

You should totally find a community to join. If you're struggling with isolation like I am, a church is a great place to go and plug yourself in. You might not find a church that works on your first try though. My family bounced through a couple before we settled at a decently sized Baptist Church in town.

I just told one of my best frens a bunch of stuff about his gf (my fren aswell) and am afraid I’ll get in trouble

Sometime I touch my peepee and the white stuff comes out

God is watching. And depending on which OS and browser you are using and how you block your webcam, the glow-in-the-dark non-frens are watching you too.

Sometimes I poop into my hand and wipe it on the doorhandle.

all the people i knew in high school are going to graduate from college in a year and have active social lives and bright futures while i'm a loser who lives at home with my insane overbearing mother, boomer shithead father who hasn't talked to me in over a month, and abusive psychopath younger brother. the future gets a little darker every day, as time goes on it gets less and less likely i can turn things around. what do?

Is there a local college? FAFSA can help with expenses. How about a job, if possible? I'm stuck at home and I miss working and the social interaction. Or a few days a month of volunteer work? It gets you out and you feel good about yourself. Do you have anyone to talk to? Hope things change for you, fren.

i'm taking classes at community college. i don't qualify for fafsa. still working the same job i had in high school. lost my only irl friend a little while ago, now all i have are the frens.

I'm glad to hear you have your classes going on. Keep your chin up, the change in life that you want is coming. I moved a while back and haven't made irl friends, I understand the lonelies <3.