Hello frens today I go for a voyage in the woods

1  2019-02-04 by ThatGuyWithTheNeck


don't tell them where you buried the bodies, fren

the green river fren

Have fun fren :)

Drink lots off water fern fren

Don't eat bugs

Remember rule 1 of frenworld

Bears are not frens

More people are killed by nonfrens every year than bears, fren.

That's because bears are a subset of nonfren

That's like saying black people kill more people than black males

Hiking is good for the soul fren

Be careful of danger fren

The industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster to the fren race

The Industrial Revolution has radically altered fren's environment and way of life, and it is only to be expected that as technology is increasingly applied to the fren body and mind, fren himself will be altered as radically as his environment and way of life have been.

morality-based witch-hunts due to boredom and lack of purpose

if you encounter a bear just remember they are frens too

Walked in the woods (alright alright)

Found a fr-fren, found a fr-fren

listen to the nature frens and feel hapy fren!

have fun fren, remember to bring a nutritional lunch with you

Make sure you take a packed lunch and too stay hydrated fren

Hey fren I just got back from my voyage in the woods it was a great time but the forest can get scary. One time I almost got bopped by a big mountain cat.

Have a fun adventure fren. Take lots of pictures!

Be safe Fren

Good luck fren! I hope you find what you're looking for

Nothing like a low key forest adventure with frens

Is this an edit of the green wizard Apu image? It looks really nice, fren.

Bon voyage, fren

I live downtown in a major city and don’t have a car. I really wish I could go into the woods sometimes.

Check your bus routes, fren. When I lived in Colorado there were a few buses that made stops near major trailheads. It might be a lot of work and time but it's important to spend time outside alone in the wilderness, or as close to wilderness as you are comfortable.

Chris McCandless be like

the green river fren