Bought a new house frens. Who wants to come over for some hot chocolate?

1  2019-02-04 by IEscapedFromArea51


Wow, nice house fren! Thanks for the hot chocolate! (:

You're welcome fren! Enjoy!

I’ll come if you have some cold yello snow

Not at the moment fren, but I can make some.

Do you have vidya fren or maybe some books we could read?

If fren has ’Mein Fren’ by Frendolf Frentler I’d like to join.

Sorry fren but I’ve already read that, do you maybe have “Siege” by James Frenson?

I hope fren has "Frens Struggle" by Ayn Fren

I don't know of any friends named Ayn.

Ayn Fren is fren of u/lombrali u/lombrali is a fren of mine I am a fren of you So Ayn Fren is your fren too!!!

People are reading "Fren Power" by George R. Frenwell.

I have all sorts of books fren!

No vidya fren, but I do have a book called "culture of critique". Also have some board games like "Risk" we can play fren.

Very nice fren

Looks very comfy!

Thank you fren.

The tree looks like a fox

You're right fren, good eye.

I want tea

I will get tea for my classy fren.

I'll bring over the tendies, fren

Good fren.

Looks comfy fren! Can you put some logs on the fireplace for me?

Of course fren! I'll get this place warm and cozy.

aww very splendid fren