I hereby pronounce that all frens have access to 70% of Alexandria Cortez's milkers

1  2019-02-02 by ScuffedRomanReigns


the milkers are not worth it fren, she will socialist you fren

Her milk is sour.

The milk's gone bad.

Not even kosher, believe it or not.

I prefer capitalist milk fren, but thank you for the offer!

Capitalism and communism milk is sour fren

Nat soc milk best milk

corporatist milk

No monarchy milk

The means of production belong to all working frens


I’d ask her about her tax plan while balls deep in her throat fren

Gonna redpill her with my green pill you know what I’m sayin

I wanna fuck this donkey-faced commie bitch until my dick bleeds

uhhh, fren, that doesn't sounds very frenly...

Damn right it isn't

He is not one of us fren

He's gonna fuck her as hard as she wants to fuck over all our Frens.

lmao why am I not surprised that a lot the people who subscribe to “frenworld” also hate social democrats

what are you talking about fren? frens are frenly to everyone

No they’re not they have some hatred against me and I don’t get it.

that is not a fren, then


i didn't say you were a non-fren, i said the person who was mean to you was a non-fren

frens help frens with reading comprehension

non fren alert ! mods help :(


non-fren detected

lmao why am I not surprised that a lot the people who subscribe to “frenworld” also hate social democrats

You know retard speak is against the rules right?



it’s ok my fren special people like you are allowed too

we’re all frens


I am frenly towards AOC policies. 70% of breast should belong to the people.

I thought being frens was about being frens with everyone. I guess it’s more about 4chan

nonfren! what a democrat?

grrr me smell nonfren!

lmao why am I not surprised that a lot the people who subscribe to “frenworld” also hate social democrats

You know retardspeak is against the rules right?

That’s not good fren

why do women have to go through being portrayed like this

Next time try to speak more like a fren, fren!

fuck off

but username checks out

Happy 54th day on reddit fren!

Ahh, I remember my 54th day

The day when boys become big boys.

I believe we can all admire the female form while respecting and admiring this frens accomplishments fren.

You gay brah?

incels be like

^ gay be like

how am I gay if I’m female ru stupid


Check my post history idk lmao

Naww that would be gay

ok buddy retard

Just wanted to say I love your username fren.


Her milks gonna taste funny from all the salt licks she eats. Avoid fren

Why are all the numales on the frontpage talking about this whore

that's isn't a very frenly thing to say, fren

Tippy top!

roleplay as helper, a finnish frog with a pure mind

frens, ask ourselves: is 'milkers' pure mind talk? pure is most important aspect of frens and apu, remember.

She said the "browning" of Frenostate is needed.

Latina women look like effeminate Latino men. Change my mind.

corporatist milk

ok buddy retard

No monarchy milk