I am feelin very sad and empty frens, how do fix?

1  2019-02-01 by ayanoyamada


It's gonna be alright. Have you tried to stop watching porn?

Do deepfakes of shrek movies with the cast of seinfeld as their faces count as porn fren?

I gotta admit my fren, that's some good stuff so I'll let it pass

Does it help Fren ? I am kinda feeling same as OP

In the long run: Absolutely. Stop watching porn, fren!

Stop watching porn, VV brothers.

Play chess fren

pet kitty

Hang out w/ frens

I have no frens fren

Bath with a toaster fren, you'll feel better afterwards

This does not work. I tried it.

That wasn't a nice suggestion fren

Just calm down and do something fun, it will get better eventually.

If you are sad many days go see doctorperson. Doctorperson helps frens like us keep the big sad away. Thank you doctorpersons.

Its true fren i was sad every day and then a doctorperson gave me happy pills and now I'm happy a lot

Make more frens

Stop watching porn and wasting too much time on vidya, ditch easy dopamine hits and strive for something truly meaningful in your opinion. If you ever stray, remember, you have your frens to help you cope with the big sad. Don’t let the nonfren menace demoralize you, fren.

Post pork

Here's some frenly tips for improving your life fren:

-Stop watching porn. If you can't do that, at least stop watching the fabricated big-porno HQ productions and move to amateur. Then move to solo with no dicks on screen. Then move away from 3D in general. Then move away from it all. Baby steps make a big stride.

-Don't use vidya as a form of escapism from your responsibilities. Only use it as entertainment after you've fulfilled your responsibility. Let yourself be its master, not it being your master.

-Cut toxic people out of your life. Manipulative non-frens are real and dangerous. Especially watch out for attractive females that try to make you whiteknight for them.

-Find a hobby that benefits you irl. Mine is shooting, but it can be any challenging sport or activity like tossing the caber, Finnish wife-carrying contests, mixed martial arts, etc. Music (real instruments, not electric) and chess work good too.

-Spend time in places that comfort you. This is why I think Nordic summer cottage culture is good. Having an escape to just chill at is very good for your mental well-being. Cozy places recommended.

-Whatever you do, avoid spending more that 38 hours straight indoors. A trip to the shops is already good, a walk around the village is better, and the longer the better. You can have one "pyjama day" per week if you wish.

-Get sleep. For some people even 8 hours isn't enough, I have calculated that I require 9 hours of sleep, and lack of rest is a big problem for folks especially under the age of 25. Sleep before midnight, because that's when the most important information is supposed to be filtered.

-Spend time with folks you love and your family. Call your parents to see how they're doing, organise meet-ups or gaming seshs with friends. Doesn't have to be complicated.

-Less alcohol, and no drugs/tobacco. You should already know this from school, but there's nothing wrong with reminding yourself every once in a while.

-Don't snack on junk food. Having a bowl of unhealthy snacks open in your household is the worst thing you can do. If you wish to satisfy the snacking need anyway, place a jug of celery in places you usually walk. The chewy texture coupled with low calories satisfies the need for snacking on something without being harmful.

That's most of what I could think of. Say if you want something else added to the list, frens!

Thank you fren I love you

This is a very good list fren. I approve. Also finding just one IRL fren so that frenworld isn't just online is a big help.

Thank you fren I love you

This is a very good list fren. I approve. Also finding just one IRL fren so that frenworld isn't just online is a big help.