Do you like coffee, fren?

1  2019-01-31 by fuck_bottom_text


That wink made me blush fren

I'm more of a tea fren, fren

I'm smoke crack fren

No fren! That is non-fren sugar!

I prefer hormelcoffee, fren

just sippin my morning covfefe

Only with some sweetener, but your company is sweet enough already ;}

If it has flavors yeah but not plain.

Go away nonfren

Tell me again why tf I’m a nofren.

Because you do not uphold the values of frenworld. There are plenty of communities out there that will welcome you. So I implore you, leave this one.

How give examples

You know what's great about being the Oberst? I don't fucking have to.

Quit a couple months ago after drinking for years. Was too dependent on it. Relatively not a bad vice though fren.

I'm very seriously about coffee frenman

MeToo fren, in both senses.

We love coffee fren