Ten thousand is big frenship!

1  2019-01-29 by JollyGee333


Almost there, 9958 frens on board as I write this

The counter showed 10k as I posted so I went ahead :)

Rejoyce! Through frens your afflictions have been banished!


Joy to the world and all who is fren :D

So many frens! With these numbers we should be able to make the NonFren bopping procedure even more successful.

Our top frengineers are working as we speak on a machine to automate the bopping.

The sooner the better.

The most serious engineering problem is how to get the nonfrens into the machine and how to prevent them from breaking the machine while they're being readied for bopping. Consultations with the Dairy industry are ongoing.

Fren time

On partie boat

I've always believed in frenworld!

Nonfren said I was a dreamer. I've always believed in the rise of the frens!

Nonfren said I was a fool. I've always believed in the end of the nonfren menace!

Nonfren said that was utopian!

Who was right nonfren or fren!? Fren was right!


wholesome underfren story

When someone says: "you're a dreamer"; I can only answer: "you treacherous nonfren, if I weren't a dreamer my whole life where would frenwold be today?"


Hail frën!

I really like that speech, here is another one like it as a gift for you :)


You frens are nice

I wanna write big message but can’t bc so many tears on keyboard but my love is real

This was a great party fren tanks for having me!!!

You frens are ok, don't come to kindergarten tomorrow.

That's a mighty fine ship!

Awesome party fren!!!

I’m so happy frens! I love all the frens here!

frenly svearige colors

we did it frens!

This party is amazing fren

Nice video fren!


It's a perfect loop, too, but Reddit failed to make it a GIF on upload :/

Yay frens

Thank for silver anonymous fren

So many frens

We just need 404 more frens

I looked around, couldn't find them

This video needs music



Don't we all