havin the bad no no thoughts again frens

4  2019-01-27 by dongrel_monger


Me too fren :( I want to go away but my mum will be sad

i’m still around for my gramma fren

Yay, let’s make them happy fren and not go away :)

Soon you'll have good yes yes feels again, fren.

sure hope so fren but it's a real bad time rn and sometimes it feels like the bad thoughts will never go away and i want to give up

Please don’t give up, do it for your frens. We love you

Please don’t give up, do it for your frens. We love you

Remember your frens

Let our words take you away from the hurt and despair 🌹

“Time passes. Sometimes like a kidney stone, but it passes”

Trust me fren, it gets better. Being sad only keeps you from being happy. So don’t bother

I’m trying my best fren, even if it’s hard to keep it together sometimes

you probably should, the bad thoughts will follow you for your entire life and you will always be miserable and incomplete

i can overcome the bad thoughts with the help of my frens

Don’t listen to that nonfren, were all rooting for you fren ❤️

fren, you can always text 741-741 if you are in a crisis. stay safe fren.

Thank u fren i am glad to know i have frens lookin out for me

Hang in there

i'll do my best fren

We all love U fren, pls don't go

Horizontal for attention, vertical for results, fren

Not a very fwendwy thing to do fren.

Get out nonfren! No unfrenly thots here!

You don't sound very frenly :(



I'm havin' this beer in your name, fren.

I’d drink to you too fren but my medicine to keep away no no thoughts can’t mix with beer

Suicidal thoughts are a side effect of those, dump them if possible.

I’ll talk to the doctor about it fren

It’s definitely worth discussing, they can help you taper off it (cold turkey can screw with you). Also, lift, eat well, and get outside, fren.

Started classes again and going to get a gym membaship fren

Good job fren, gym helps a lot!

I'm tempted to bop you for this.

I think I'll just tag you as a nonfren.

There may have been an artisanal burger in your name as well.

thank u fren i hope it was good

But fren think of all the good memes you’ll miss. Plus Day Of The Fren soon and you don’t want to be left out, right?

I don’t know if anything like that will happen fen, or even if it will be a good thing

Cheer up fren. Read a good book and play some games with some frens. Don’t listen to the non frens. We’re all going to make it. Practice your hobby and listen to some lectures by Dr Jordan Peterfren. Everything is going to be alright.

Jordan Petersen is a fool. Watch ContraPoints or read Gladwell if you want self help.

Perhaps not everything he says is perfect, but his general message about helping young men better themselves and the positive benefit he’s had on the youth culture is undeniable. I think we can agree that there’s something that you can learn from everybody even if you don’t agree with them.

He has ties with the least frenly organisation, the UN

Maybe make some cocoa, fren.

1 cup hot water

3 tbps Fry's Cocoa

2 tbsp white sugar.

Or use milk for a special treat!

Use milk fren.

use half and half!

I love you fren.

Love you too fren

It's okay Fren.

Need a frenly hug?

I’d appreciate it fren


I love you fren

Hey fren! I haven’t been feelin too good lately also! Whenever I start thinkin no no thoughts, I talk to my other frens. If you don’t have any frens that am spare a minute, I’m right here.

Here’s some good yes yes cute things to cheer you up fren :) :

tofu Chan talking about where he’s from

a lil kitty biting a box!!

cute lil song from coffeeman dan

tofu Chan talks about how he always smiles

I hope you can feel better soon fren!!!

Thank u fren i appreciate it

That was some top quality frenliness. Thanks for being our fren :)

Of course! I always want my frens to be happy, so it’s the least I can do

Fren can reach out to other fren in times of need.

Thank u fren

frens are here for you, my fren

Thank u fren

We love you fren

thank you fren, love you too

It okay. Don't be cry.

i'm not crying fren, doing better thanks to all my frens

I want 7 lttle frens :(

what do you mean fren?

“Anywhere can be paradise as long as you have the will to live. After all, you are alive, so you will always have the chance to be happy. As long as the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth exist, everything will be all right.”

You might feel like you have to molest your sister but you should know that you can resist those urges. Stay strong.

You are not alone fren. I have the bad thoughts too. All I can do is try to exercise everyday and get 8 hours of sleep so I can feel good and keep the bad thoughts away.

You matter fren!! You are a special person with and amazing unique personality NO ONE ELSE HAS! Find what makes you happy and chase that! You have the ability to change the world, if you weren't here, who knows how negatively the world could be affected, the smallest repercussions matter and if you weren't here I promise you that people would be very sad!! Sometimes it can feel like no one cares but 100% someone does, I do!

Thank u fren your words are true

Same. I might do it when vacations end, but I said the same last year.

We can both hold on, fren

“No no thoughts” also include no “no no thoughts” thoughts. You’re doing ok fren c:

Just remember frenI I care about you

Care abt you too fren

I don’t know if anything like that will happen fen, or even if it will be a good thing

i'm not crying fren, doing better thanks to all my frens