To bop or not to bop

1  2019-01-26 by CIA_watches_me_pee


Bop then all fren

No survivors

Bop all the nonfrens!!! Leave none unbopped! You have my bop, fren.

How do I add more bops fren?

A fren duty is to always defen his frens and to bop the unfrenly non frens

Spoken like a true fren

Bop them for me fren! Fight the noble fight!!

Hello frens I just read the againsthatesubreddits post and I can't believe people think we're mean

Don't be sad they will converted to frenliness one day....

Or they will be bopped even if thinking that bopping someone makes me sad... But is like when granpa had to send the pupper to pupparadise because he got rabies: once they got bopped they will go to a better place: a place where everyone is frenly

We will create the fenostate where everyome is frenly!

Can I come too fren?

Of course fren! All frens shall bask in it's glory

can someone link me the post?

thank u fren

That mod is power crazy and completely retarded. He wants this sub to be a hate sub so he can feel superior

Bop Them All! Leave none Unbopped!

Stron boppin fren

Bob the nonfens, fren war now!


B O P E M G O O D, F R E N D O

What is the original video?

Thanks fren

Many thanks fren!

Bop the long nose tribe

Wat moobie this from frens?

I need watch this too.

Well made, Frenstag. You deserve a raise

Maybe the governfren will raise the budget of the frenworld propaganda department?

Of course!

It has now been raised 27%

Frens wouldn't do that I'm literally shaking, and crying.


I don't want to bop non frens, I want everyone to become frens...

That's very noble fren.. but we have to be realistic if we want to establish the frenostate. Bop al nonfrens

CIA post your hog

Fren, they aren't just nofrens, they're retards. Bop. Them. All.

Okay, this is epic

bop bop bop !


depicts self as asshole who beats children


I am joo, can I be fren? :D

Maybe the governfren will raise the budget of the frenworld propaganda department?