Frens, I think it's time to shave

1  2019-01-19 by name_is_original


Not with Gillette fren

The worst a fren can get

A fren who still buys Gillette isn't a fren(unless they just somehow haven't heard about it all)

"toXiC fREnuLiNitY iS tHe ReAl pRobLeM yOU guISe!"

I have to shave my beard cuz can't grow a full one.

But I only have one problem:

  1. Shave my mustache and I look ugly

  2. Don't shave my mustache and look like a pedophile

Wat do, frens?

Shave neck up to Jawline, and trim back mustache, then you will be looking dapper fren

Frens dong let frens shave.

Don’t use Gillette my fren it’s owned by non frens

You look so handsome with the stuble though, fren.

Use DE safety razor.