Hi frens, I have big problem, i want frens to come back to a place full of frens, but they think we nonfrens, how do I convince them that we frenly?

1  2019-01-18 by ScuffedRomanReigns


han in der fren

It's ok fren. Frens are frens no matter where we end up. That's what makes frens special 💜

This made me sad

Gib hug

Gib the frens hugs. That'll straighten them out

Be the fren you wish to see in the world fren and frens will notice and will ask, "what me you so?" and you will invite them to fren world.

We convince them by force.

that doesn't sound very frenly...

Nonfrens have no rights.

Once we convert them to frens they will be treated like frens.

NonFren reeducation centers are probably a workable solution in the future, for the present we need to focus on the Freno State. We must secure the existence of our Frens and a future for Fren children. We're in triage mode now, the NonFren had their chance to listen and openly mocked us for our Frenly way of life. Now is the time to turn inward and rebuild.

We could offer nonfrens cash incentives to self-bop.

first rule of fight club fren