New years resolution going strong. Getting Fit Frens

1  2019-01-15 by joshhawley2018


Be consistent fren. When you’re tired, find the motivation to keep going. Only way to stay fit fren. Good luck

i get tired fast. but i think of all myfrens and i keep going

Didn't matter how quick you get tired. Just keep getting tired, 4+ times a week fren

I need frens like you’d

Good job my fren. I wish I had the discipline or motivation to work out. I'm naturally skinny and could probably get cut fairly swiftly.

Anyways, fren, keep at it!

just do it eveyday fren

i want to go every day to the gym but its very cold outside and i dont have a car, its walking distance but it gets too cold so i will have to buy a treadmill :(

Or maybe buy a jacket fren ?

alright i admit, im a lazy fren

Be the change you want to see in this world fren

Woah fren you look strong haha

not yet... but one day soon fren


You got it brother !

Does doing an elliptical or stationary bike everyday for 20-40 minutes count as going to the gym?

Yeah man of course. Extra points for every day. Consistency is key.

I do it every day. I'm going to start lifting after a few months of just doing this to improve my stamina.

It’s easy to slack off on those unfortunately. I always say that a bad workout is better than no workout though. I would suggest throwing some weights in there. The metabolic effects of lifting are awesome and you’ll burn a significant more calories throughout the day.

Exactly. As you gain muscle, you naturally burn more calories throughout your day so it becomes a lot easier to stay fit. It's really all in the diet, though. You need to eat properly to actually get gains and lose fat.

i don't go to a gym. I try to walk 3-5 miles a day and then i have some free weights. plus crunches, pushups, leg lifts

What are free weights?

My static resistance machines.

Things like barbells and dumbbells.

When i started going fit i loose 30pounds in just 3 months. I know it's hard fren but you can do it . I beleieve in you fren.

wow! I'm trying to lose 40 pounds this year.

My motivation to loose my weight is anime fren.

Embrace the burn, fren.

it only burns when i pee

Oh, that's too bad, fren. At least your pee-pee will be big and strong, fren.

what kind of excercise do i need to do?


But I have a benis

Keagulls is for benis too, fren

Bretend you’re tryna stop peein, that’s the keagull mussel

Frens I need help. A fren I know lacks self esteem to get fit. How do I help him become fit fren?

Hang low at the gym and casually observe how other people do it. Do something stupidly simple like walking on a treadmill. Don't kill yourself and make it a chore. Just take it easy and remember that if you're moving your body then you're doing it right!

Thanks fren! This sure will help him!

You're welcome fren!

You get self esteem after you get fit and you get fit by learning how learning how to get into a practicing mindset.

You also need to decide early what your goals are. Just weight loss. Being strong. Being strong looking. etc.

Hey fren, consistency is key. Stick with it because the end result is what we do it for.

Thanks fren

Lay off the goobas fren. You got a jelly donut gut there.

Proud of you pursuing your goals fren, I hope that you wish me well in my endeavor to lose fat

Wow fren you a strong one!

Good form fren

i’m trying same thing! mommy got me a new bike and i almost don’t need my training wheels!

I do it every day. I'm going to start lifting after a few months of just doing this to improve my stamina.

But I have a benis